Sunday, February 12, 2012

Almost There!

Term paper: COMPLETE! I never thought I'd be so excited to say those words! That just means that I'm getting that much closer to having my project finished! That's my main worry and goal now and I only have the next two weeks to prepare. I talked to the second grade teachers at school and we agreed on February 29th as the day of my presentation. I have the basics of what I want to do and now I just have to get all the facts together so my presentation flows smoothly. I'd hate to get in front of 40 7 year olds and totally space out.
I have a mouth and toothbrush to show how to properly brush teeth and then I'm going to make a Jeopardy game on the Internet for them to play. I've talked to my faculty mentor about how to make the questions easy without repeating them. I also have to talk to my mentor and the teachers about whether or not I'll need to send out consent forms to the kids parents about giving me permission to use their pictures from the presentation in my expo project. I'll get that done tomorrow, so I'll be able to send them out soon if need be.
I'm actually getting really excited about the project now that I'm finally getting somewhere with it and I can't wait to see how it all comes together! Stay tuned because I'm sure I'll have more to talk about later! :)

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