Monday, February 6, 2012

Almost Done!

I'm so excited to be almost done with my project and term paper! My term paper is due this Thursday and then the final copy is due next Thursday. After I'm finished with that, there will be a huge weight lifted off my shoulders! I will be solely focused on my project because I finally set that date up for the last few days in February. I talked to Mrs. Tekrony today, so we'll set up a date soon. She needed to speak with the other second grade teacher first. I decided to do both classes at the same time. There are 39 kids in both combined. Oofta!
I went to the dentist office twice today, and after school I got to help with some kiddos when they got their teeth cleaned. It was cool because I'd never seen a tooth with a real cavity before, so I got to see new things too! I got to use a few utensils and help Gail. It also helped that I knew the two little girls, so they weren't so nervous. I'm really glad I finally got a few pictures, even though it's a few. Here's a sneak peek!

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